Parent Child


Parent Child Class

Our parent child classes are a gathering place for parents and their children.  Gross motor, fine motor, verbal and social skills are all beginning to develop in the early years before preschool begins.  This class offers a place to witness and enhance these skills while becoming comfortable with the setting and rhythm of school.  There will be outside time where children can explore the playground and nature.  They begin to play first along side each other and then together.  Observation and quiet times allow for parents to mindfully honor the blossoming of each child’s spirit and inner world.  During this time, parents watch and witness their development. This time is followed with a circle time activity where children and parents together follow a song and dance.  This activity enhances prereading skills as well as social and physical coordination.

Indoors, children will hear a seasonal story, join together for a snack and participate in meaningful activities such as baking bread, coloring or painting with water colors.  Parent discussions will be facilitated relating to weekly discussion topics or issues that may arise following the lead of what is pertinent at the moment.  There will also be time indoors for quiet mindfulness as we watch the children play where they interact in a more internal and often more subtle way.

We provide a loving, secure environment, from which we watch infants and toddlers develop strength and courage to set forth in the world as their social skills and will emerge.

Many cultures look at the development of children from the perspective that it takes a village to raise a child.  We believe that building relationships and creating a community for young children and families is a welcome way to bring this philosophy into our busy western society.

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